Learn the secrets behind
powerful and unforgettable
residency interviews
straight from the experts.
Learn our simple, straightforward, step-by-step approach to the major residency interview questions
Receive clear explanations and before-and-after videos. No more worrying about where to start or what to say.
Learn how to craft powerful, unique responses. No more concerns about sounding like every other applicant.
Learn how to craft unforgettable responses. Because the stakes are too high for you to bring anything but your best.
What Applicants Have to Say
I was applying for Dermatology, and at every point in the process I could feel how intense the competition was. I was thrilled to get 6 interviews, but I also knew that I was up against some amazing applicants, so I wanted to make sure I did everything I could to set myself apart from the competition. The course really helped, and I even had one of my interviewers tell me that my response to what are your strengths was just great. The time that I invested in going through the course really paid off.
— Current Dermatology Resident
I had failed to match in previous cycles, so I was so excited when I received two Family Practice interview invites. One of my classmates highly recommended this interview course, and said that it had helped him, so I signed up. I was really glad I did. Before, I was spending a LOT of time going through posts and videos online. I thought that was interview prep, but after I went through the course I realized that a lot of the advice from the blogs and videos was really generic, and actually made you sound like every other applicant. With the help of the course, I was able to develop really strong and unique responses, and I know that that made all the difference.
— Current Family Practice Resident
When I was applying for ENT, I was thrilled to get interviews, but knowing how competitive ENT was, I didn’t want to take any chances. (I knew upperclassman who had gone on multiple interviews, and still failed to match in the previous two years.) I worked really hard on the questions, trying to make sure my responses would help me stand out, which is where this course really helped. Match day was great-because I found out that I matched at my #1 choice!
— Current ENT Resident
This course was excellent. As an IMG who received an interview from one of my dream internal medicine programs, I wanted to make sure I made the most of this opportunity. The course helped so much: it showed me how to highlight my strengths and prepare memorable responses. I was thrilled to match at my dream program, and I know that my interview performance was a key factor in that.
— Current Internal Medicine Resident, IMG, Top 20 Program
I was nervous going into interviews, because my advisor had told me that my low step score was considered a red flag. I signed up for the residency interview 101 course because I wanted to learn how to address my red flag. The course definitely did that well, but it also showed me how to highlight my strengths, and especially how to highlight how I was a perfect fit for the program. And it worked!
— Current Psychiatry Resident
I was very unsettled entering the interview season because I feared that all applicants could easily sound the same to an interviewer. The course was very thorough and filled with robust examples. It challenged me to speak boldly and confidently about my accomplishments. It taught me how to demonstrate that I was an ideal, unique candidate. Would I recommend this course? Yes!
— Current Family Practice Resident
Pricing & Services
(hover to view)
the average cost of public medical school (four years) in the U.S.
$105,000 (in-state)
$105,000 (in-state)
the average cost of private medical school (four years) in the U.S.
the cost of the course that will boost your knowledge, confidence, and chances of getting into your dream residency
Receive In-Depth Guidance for Over 25 Common Residency Interview Questions
Tell me about yourself.
What are your strengths?
What is your greatest weakness?
Why did you apply to our residency program?
Why do you want to be a dermatologist?
Why do you want to be an internist and not another healthcare professional?
If you couldn’t get into residency, what would you do instead?
- Where do you see yourself in 15 years?
What do you see as the pros and cons of being a surgeon?
What do you consider to be your greatest achievement?
Icebreaker Questions
Tell me about the particular challenge you encountered.
How do you cope with criticism?
How do you handle conflict?
Tell me about your research.
Tell me about your shadowing experiences.
Tell me about a time when you made a mistake.
Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a classmate who wasn't doing their part.
Tell me about a time when you were disappointed in your performance.
Tell me about a time when you had to build a relationship with someone you did not like.
Tell me about a patient who made an impact on you.
What do you consider to be some of the most pressing health issues today?
What questions do you have for me?
How long will it take to go through the course?It really depends on where you are currently in terms of preparation. Some of our students have completed the course in 1 to 2 weeks of focused work. For students who have already written multiple secondary essays, that work will help speed up the interview preparation process significantly. Another key factor is how many medical schools you will be interviewing with. One key focus of our course is that the best interview responses are those that are targeted to the particular medical school. Multiple medical schools means more time spent researching each school.
How was the course created?Dr. Rajani Katta and Dr. Samir Desai have been medical school faculty for over 20 years and they've written multiple best-selling books in medical education. Using their direct experience interviewing and advising applicants, they created this course to help students quickly and confidently prepare for their interviews. The course, with videos, allowed them to expand on the information found in their books.
Should I do the course or the coaching?Some of our students have completed the course and then decided they could use additional help. Coaching can help identify themes and achievements that would be compelling to an admissions committee. Coaching can also help applicants reduce anxiety and provide important feedback. Having said that, most of our students feel extremely prepared having gone through the course, and most of our students do not require any additional coaching.
Can I share the course?The course is priced for a single user only. Please feel free to share our many free helpful resources, which includes our multiple articles, blog posts, and podcast episodes. However, as this course is priced for a single user only, we rely on our students to abide by this policy. As medical school faculty, we trust that our students, as future physicians, will exhibit the same level of integrity that we expect from physicians.
What if this course isn't for me?No worries! We offer a full money-back guarantee on your purchase within seven days.
Contact Us!
If you have any questions, please contact us via email course@kattamd.com
About the Experts

Dr. Rajani Katta served as Professor of Dermatology at the Baylor College of Medicine for over 17 years.
She served on the residency selection committee, interviewing hundreds of highly qualified dermatology applicants
She is the author of the best-selling books The Medical School Interview and The Successful Match
She is an interview expert and has been featured in multiple national publications and TV appearances, including the New York Times, Oprah Magazine, CNN, Prevention, as well as each of the major news networks
Dr. Samir Desai has served as a faculty member at the Baylor College of Medicine for over 20 years.
He has served on the Medical School Admissions Committee and interviewed many highly qualified applicants for medical school.
He has lectured nationally on interview success and medical professionalism.
He is the author of the best-selling books The Medical School Interview and The MMI (Multiple Mini Interview).
He has advised hundreds of students, and his advisees have been accepted to medical schools in almost every state in the United States.