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Grades in required or core clerkships are very important to emergency medicine residency programs.
In a NRMP survey of emergency medicine residency programs, 75% cited "grades in required clerkships" as a factor in selecting applicants to interview.
"As Emergency Medicine is a more competitive specialty, students show know criteria for honors grades before each rotation, and strive for excellence," writes Dr. Shahram Lotfipour, associate dean and professor of emergency medicine at University of California - Irvine.
Medical student seeking a career in the field also seek to do well during the emergency medicine clerkship. A useful resource to help students prepare is the EM Clerkship Primer developed by the Clerkship Directors in Emergency Medicine.
Please also read our blog post "How To Succeed In The Emergency Medicine Rotation: Tips For Medical Students" for detailed advice on how to make a powerful impression during your emergency medicine rotation.
Our book, Success on the Wards, is a powerful resource to help you excel in core clerkships. It has also been widely used by international medical graduates seeking to perform at a high level during U.S. clinical rotations. Securing an emergency medicine rotation can be challenging for international medical graduates. We have created a database of clinical opportunities in emergency medicine to help direct your search (see below).
Resources to Help You Succeed in your Clerkships
Delivering Powerful Oral Case Presentations
Clerkship Advice for Students
Success on the Wards
Observerships and Externships for International Medical Graduates
How To Succeed In The Emergency Medicine Rotation: Tips For Medical Students Read more >>
Emergency Medicine Rotation Success: Part 1 (Podcast) Listen more >>
Emergency Medicine Rotation Success: Part 2 (Podcast) Listen more >>
IMG Rotation Opportunities Created by Dr. Samir Desai Read more >>